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Waitlist Information

We will try our best to offer your child a place in one of our schools.  As all of our schools are identical with regards to the curriculum, teaching methods, ages of children and staff ratios and parents tend to make their choice based on which school is closer to their home.  If we are not able to offer the sessions you require or you have a preference for one of our schools due to their location, we will place your child on our waitlist.  Priority is given in the following order:


 Current child wishing to increase sessions

 Sibling already in the school



 Amount of Sessions

 Date of request


*Pippa Pop-ins offers a sibling priority on the waitlist, however we still do require parents to register their younger children as early as possible.  Whilst our new registration policy will help siblings, it should be noted that we cannot offer places if the school is full.  The sibling priority will not stand if the older child has left prior to the Summer Term of Transition class.  


**We strive to encourage parents and children to walk, cycle or scooter to Nursery and for this reason we give a priority to children living within the same postcode area as the school.


We cannot confirm the availability prior to receiving your registration form and we suggest that you return the form to us as early as possible.
We are happy to accept registration forms prior to the birth of your child, but you must feel comfortable in sending it to us.  On the registration form please put Baby where it requests first name and the baby's due date where it requests date of birth.


